“I believe every person has the ability to achieve something important, and with that in mind, I regard everyone as special” – Mary Kay Ash

Every person is special! Each of us wants to feel good about himself/herself, but it is just as important to make others feel the same way.


People wonder why I give so many compliments out to strangers. I’m not being fake & I’m not looking for people to like me. But, if I pass someone and I like something, I say it. “Love your hair!” or “You are wearing such a beautiful dress!” or “Wow! You have an amazing smile!….why? Why you ask…..well because life is hard and this world can be a really shitty place…and people are mean and nasty! You never know how much those kind words can mean to someone, you never know what hell or pain they may be going through that day, week, month or year; and when you put positive energy out there in the universe, YOU, yourself become a happier person! This is why I am always laughing and smiling….because it is hard to be nice and miserable at the same time. It’ll reflect from the outside in. I’m telling you random compliment giving will change your life; and maybe someone else’s too….

But please don’t fake a compliment, it won’t make you happy and definitely won’t make the other person happy! You’ve got to be honestly convinced that every human being is important! As my momma always said, if you don’t have something nice to say……don’t say anything….or maybe start with a smile or good morning or open a door for someone…but start and start today!

REMEMBER: NO MATTER how busy you are!!! You must take time to make the other person feel IMPORTANT!

Each one of us is important! It’s unfortunate that most of us go to our graves with our music still unplayed! So “Play that funky music…Play that funky music til you die…” It’s been said that we use only 10% of our God given ability/talents, and that the other 90% is never tapped into….90% people! That is way too much untapped awesomeness!!

FREQUENTLY!!!!!! Let your people know how much you appreciate them! FREQUENTLY!!!!!!

A company is only as good as its people. And a company gets what it pays for. Good people are always hard to find, so when you do have good people, make every effort to keep them! If companies actually looked into the numbers to hire and train people, the cost to do this, they would be treating their employees allot differently as the lose in profit is high when a company has a high turnover.

Don’t use people to build your business; use your business to build people! Seek out people with those skills that could strengthen your company even more. Build a company one person at at time and expect people to perform well!! People will generally do what you expect them to do! So expect them to perform well and they will! Motivate your people to draw on the untapped 90% of their ability, and their level of performance will soar!

“I will pay more for the ability to deal with people than for any other commodity under the sun” – John F. Rockfeller

In recent studies, more than a third of employees who had recently quit a job said the number one factor in their decision was a lack of appreciation for their contributions. MORE THAN ONE THIRD!!

Recognizing your employees’ accomplishments costs your business nothing……let me repeat that, COSTS YOUR BUSINESS NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, but it can yield big results! Raises and bonuses, of course, are always helpful, but demonstrating your respect and appreciation can be a far more powerful way to keep good employees working with you. Your support triggers a chain reaction that can enable good employees to rise to greatness. They sense it when you believe in them, it begins to builds their motivation and self-confidence, it boosts their drive to produce and succeed—for both themselves and the company.

Let’s start complimenting more, making people feel important and begin building people up, let’s start TODAY!


Love Vanessa



“On the one hand, we all want to be happy. On the other hand, we all know the things that make us happy. But we don’t do those things. Why? Simple. We are too busy. Too busy doing what? Too busy trying to be happy.” —Matthew Kelly

I just finished listening to the Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod, great book!! Highly recommend! I plan on reading his next one “The Miracle Equation”.

Similar to “the 5 o’clock club” by Robin Sharma just a little simpler, great book to start with if you want to change your life for the better, by adding a little bit of this and that extra without it feeling or becoming overwhelmed. It really does make a HUGE difference waking up earlier in the morning. Taking time for you!

Below is Hal Elrod’s example of a 6-minute Miracle Morning for those days when you’re extra busy and pressed for time, or for those of you that are so overwhelmed with your life situation right now that you are feeling stress just thinking about adding one more thing. We all have these days, whether we are young, old, successful or on our journey to our successes……Imagine that the first six minutes of every morning begins like this…


Minute One… (Silence)

Imagine waking up in the morning, and instead of rushing carelessly into your hectic day, we you will feel stressed and overwhelmed, imagine that you instead spend the first minute sitting in purposeful Silence. You sit, very calm, very peaceful, and you breathe deeply, slowly. Maybe you say a prayer of gratitude to appreciate the moment, or pray for guidance on your journey. Maybe, you decide to try your first minute of meditation. As you sit in silence, you’re totally present in the now, in the moment. You calm your mind, relax your body, and allow all of your stress to melt away. You develop a deeper sense of peace, purpose, and direction…a minute of calm..


Minute Two… (Affirmations)

Next, you pull out your daily Affirmations, the ones that remind you of your unlimited potential and your most important priorities and you read them out loud from top to bottom. As you focus on what’s most important to you, your level of internal motivation increases. Reading over the reminders of how capable you really are, gives you a feeling of confidence. Looking over what you’re committed to, what your purpose is, and what your goals are re-energizes you to take the actions necessary to live the life you truly want, deserve, and now know is possible for you…This step is very important and very important to practice daily! I normally write them out and say them.


Minute Three… (Visualization)

You close your eyes, or you look at your vision board, and you visualize. Your Visualization could include your goals, what it will look and feel like when you reach them. You visualize the day going perfectly, see yourself enjoying your work, smiling and laughing with your family, or your significant other, and easily accomplishing all that you intend to accomplish for that day. You see what it will look like, you feel what it will feel like, and you experience the joy of what you will create…Another very important daily, this will help your mind lead you and know the direction to which you wish to travel.


Minute Four… (Scribing)

Imagine, pull out your journal, and in your journal, you take a minute to write down what you’re grateful for, what you’re proud of, and the results you’re committed to creating for that day. Doing so, you put yourself in an empowered, an inspired, and confident state of mind. This is when I write down my 6 most important list. It has changed how i do my Mary Kay Business and where my successes come from.

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Minute Five… (Reading)

Then, you grab your self-help book and invest one miraculous minute reading a page or two. You learn a new idea, something that you can implement into your day. You discover something new that you can use to feel better—to be better. Highly recommend reading at least 10 to 30 minutes a day.  Whether that is audible or a physical book, make time for your growth!

USA, California, San Diego, Woman training on coast

Minute Six… (Exercise)

Finally, you stand up and you spend the last minute, doing jumping jacks for 60 seconds and getting your heart rate up and getting energized and waking yourself up and increasing your ability to be alert and to focus. This has always been hard for me, but my physical health is just as important as my mental health.


I do everything above already but, I do it for an hour in the morning, I am up between 4-4:20 each morning. It is changing my life!!! How would you feel if that’s how you started your morning each day, whether you do 6 minutes, 30 minutes or an hour like me, imagine if you started each day with this short of schedule. How would the quality of your day, your life, your families life improve???

wp-1465665960816.jpg Love Vanessa


June 13 is #WINKDay, people across the world are encouraged to sport their favourite purple eye shadow and wink it up for the camera! Once their photo is ready to go, they can post it on social media with the hashtag #WinkDay to support women battling cancer across the country. Join us by sharing a picture and even challenging friends, family, and coworkers to forgo their afternoon coffee and donate the extra funds to Look Good Feel Better. This money will support the continuation of beauty and hygiene workshops which help women face cancer.

When posting a photo of yourself winking on social media with #WINKDay and unlock a $5 donation to Look Good Feel Better and women facing cancer from the SHOPPERS. LOVE. YOU program (up to $50,000)!

WINK to help women with cancer feel like themselves again.


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“Begin to live out of the glory of your imagination, not your memory.”

~Robin Sharma

One of the most crippling conditions in life, which we all suffer from, is RVMS—Rear View Mirror Syndrome. I first came across this acronym when listening to Hal Elrod in his book “The Miracle Morning”.

We go through our lives, our subconscious minds equipped with a rear view mirror, through which we continuously relive and recreate our past. Day after day after day……Every thought, decision and action is based on how much time we spend in looking through that rear view mirror.


We mistakenly believe that who we were is who we are now. We limit our true potential in the present, based on the limitations of our past.


Statistics show that on any given day, the average person thinks somewhere between 50,000 and 60,000 thoughts. WOW! Let me state that again, the average person thinks between 50,000 to 60,000 thoughts a day. WOW!

And did you know that 95% of our thoughts are the same as the ones we thought the day before, and the day before that, and the day before that, and so on.

It’s no wonder most people go through life, day after day, month after month, and year after year, and the quality of their lives pretty much stays the same. That is because approximately 47,500-57,000 of our thoughts are the same as yesterdays and are from the past.

95% of our daily thoughts are like baggage that is old, worn out, useless and more trouble than it’s worth, we carry stress, fear, and worry from yesterday with us into today.

When presented with adversity, a problem, we go back to our trusty rear view mirror for guidance on how to respond:

“Yep, just my luck.”

“This crap always happens to me.”

“I’m just going to give up; that’s what I’ve always done when things get too difficult.”

“No, I’ve never done anything like that before.”

“I’ve failed, time and time again.”

And so on and so on…..

So, what do we do? How can we stop limiting ourselves and transcend past living through our rear view mirror??

Stop limiting yourself and start imagining a life of limitless possibilities.

I read at least 2 books a month! LOVE BOOKS! So read some motivational/self-help books daily. A few friends of mine have recommended and I am loving listening to books. If you are not much of a reader this may work for you!

I also find, journaling helps, make you aware of what you are actually thinking and writing it down can be helpful with some of the negatives you are thinking about yourself and how often you are looking in that rear view mirror.

We think we are what we think we are, but we are not, those are just your past thoughts and not who you are….we are limitless..

Listen to positive, self-improvement audios, inspirational songs/music every time you’re in the car, or like me on the GO train, helps drown out the negative chatter on the train too.

Create a vision, in writing, an “affirmation”, of what you want your life to be like and who you need to be to make it happen. You don’t have to be the person you are today, tomorrow. It is AMAZING how TODAY can change your life! AMAZING!!! THEN READ IT EVERYDAY, this will change the programing in your subconscious mind. Like changing the channel on your TV.

I find writing down 10 things I am grateful for brings me to the present, and makes me realize WOW! We forgot cause we live to long in the rear view mirror, that we have ALLOT to be grateful for in the present!

And remember, “Where you are is a result of who you were, but where you go depends entirely on who you choose to be.”

Lets stop looking through our limiting rear view mirror and save that for when we are driving our vehicles. Lets start loving people, being who we are meant to be and shine, we are all awesome!

Love Vanessa❤


If you want others to like you….if you want to develop real friendships…..if you want to help others at the same time as you help yourself, become genuinely interested in other people.

“Why read this book to find out how to win friends? Why not study the technique of the greatest winner of friends the world has ever known? Who is he? You may meet him tomorrow coming down the street. When you get within ten feet of him, he will begin to wag his tail. If you stop and pat him, he will almost jump out of his skin to show you how much he likes you. And you know that behind this show of affection on his part, there are no ulterior motives: he doesn’t want to sell you any real estate, and he doesn’t want to marry you. Did you ever stop to think that a dog is the only animal that doesn’t have to work for a living? A hen has to lay eggs, a cow has to give milk, and a canary has to sing. But a dog makes his living by giving you nothing but love.” -Dale Carnegie

When you see a group photo that you are in, whose picture do you look for first? Yours, you will always look for you…all people want is to be heard, for someone to listen and be interested in them.

If you want to make friends, let’s put ourselves out to do things for other people–things that require time, energy, unselfishness and thoughtfulness.

Put the tech down and by down I mean away completely. If you are having a one on one conversation with someone you shouldn’t be texting on your phone, checking messages, playing games or talking to someone else on the phone at the same time (unless it’s to tell them briefly that you will speak to them later). Be present, listen and interested in that person. Nothing I hate more than having lunch with someone who isnt even present…NOTHING…

Look people in the eye when they are talking to you and listen to them. Ask questions about what they are talking about….be engaged in the conversation not thinking about taking the dog out when you get home or what will you wear tomorrow…be present in the conversation you are having with this person.

Start keeping track of people’s birthdays and anniversaries, send them a beautiful note. Remember their childrens names…note a few of their interests..

If we want to make friends, let’s greet people with animation and enthusiasm. Smile when we see them…

“We are interested in others, when they are interested in us” – Publilius Syrus

Let’s start changing our friendships to real, genuine friendships, have amazing adventures and truly enjoy what life has to offer us!

Vanessa 💜


“Give honest, sincere appreciation. Be “hearty in your approbation and lavish in your praise,” and people will cherish your words and treasure thrm and repeat them years after you have forgotten them.” – Dale Carnegie

In our day and age people are starving from the lack of appreciation they are craving and not receiving! We can change this, we can try by leaving a friendly trail of little sparks of gratitute on our daily trips. A “thank you so much”, when someone opens the door for you or holds it open. A “thank you, for always making my coffee just right” to your local coffee spot.

One of the reasons I joined Mary Kay is I was craving appreciation. Mary Kay Consultants, Directors and Corporate staff are like your personal cheerleaders. They encourage you, they celebrate you and they teach you how to do little sparks of gratitute towards yourself and people in your daily lives.

“One of the most neglected virtues of our daily existencr is appreciation.” – Dale Carnegie

This saddens me, let’s bring back the virtue of appreciation. 💜 If all of us did one act of appreciation a day towards one person, CAN YOU IMAGINE, the impact this would have on the world, think about it….🤯

Things most people want:

  • Health;
  • Preservation of life;
  • Food;
  • Sleep;
  • Money and the things money will buy;
  • Life in the hereafter;
  • Sexual gratification;
  • The well-being of our children; and
  • A feeling of importance.

“The desire for a feeling of importance is one of the chief distiguishing differences between mankind and the animals.” – Dale Carnegie

Your feeling of importance determines your character and is the most significant thing about you! What is your feeling of importance?

The next statement, blew my mind! “If some people are so hungry for a feeling of importance that they actually go insane to get it, imagine what miracle you and I can achieve by giving people honest appreciation this side of insanity.” – Dale Carnegie

INSANE!!!! Come on people, lets appreciate each other more, it cost us nothing to appreciate others! 💜 On a daily basis lets apprecitate the people around us, in our space, within 5 feet of us.

“We nourish the bodies of our children, spouses, friends and employees, but how seldom do we nourish their self-esteem? We neglect to give them kind words of appreciation that woukd sing in their memories for years like the music of the morning star.” – Dale Carnegie

“There is nothing I need so much as nourishment for my self-esteem.” – Alfred Lunt

When I talk about appreciation and compliments, I am not referring to flattery. Flattery is cheap praise, it is shallow, selfish and insincere. It does more harm than good and is totally counterfeit.

“Don’t be afraid of enemied who attack you. Be afraid if the friends that flatter you.” – General Obregon

“Flattery is telling the other person precisely what he thinks about himself.” – Dale Carnegie

Love the old talk and language, very few people talk like that anymore, using words like “approbation” and “morning stars”. Even googled approbation which means approval or praise.

“I consider my ability to arouse enthusiasm among people, the greatest asset I possess, and the way to develop the best that is in a person is by appreciation and encouragement. There is nothing else that so kills the ambition of a person as criticism from superiors. I never criticize anyone. I believe in giving a person incentitive to work. So I am anxious to praise but loath to find fault. If I like anyone, I am hearty in my approbation and lavish in my praise.” – Charles Schwab

I read an article on LinkedIn, “Why Staff Appreciation is Important”, by Margaret Good. I have shared it in my LinkedIn and Facebook account, excellent articles and a good read. If you haven’t yet read it I ask that you please do.

Funny how the universe works, Margaret Good, Christine Ransom and I have been for the last month, working on how we can appreciate people, women, staff, employees, employers, clients etc…in all businesses, offices, companies etc… And I happen to be reading Dale Carnegie’s book this month and this is what chapter 2 is all about, appreciation, go figure.

If you know of any businesses, offices or companies etc., that are looking to appreciate their people, please forward them a copy of this flyer below. I promise we will love them and appreciate them!! 💜💜💜💜

Love always,


Don’t Criticize, Condemn or Complain

Yikes, I don’t know about you guys and gals, but I pretty much do this daily…..for sure the complaining part, nothing is safe from my complaining run, RUN FAST….

So then I looked up the definition of criticism this morning in google….

  • the expression of disapproval of someone or something based on perceived faults or mistakes.”he received a lot of criticism”the analysis and judgment of the merits and faults of a literary or artistic work.“alternative methods of criticism supported by well-developed literary theories”the analysis and judgment of the merits and faults of a literary or artistic work.
“alternative methods of criticism supported by well-developed literary theories”the analysis and judgment of the merits and faults of a literary or artistic work.

And yep…..sadly enough I criticize, myself, others and situations..

So what do i do about this, keep criticizing and complaining??? Or do I work on myself and STOP. At least stop outload and STOO with other people. So I made a decision… instead of condemning people, how about I try to understand them, figure out why they do what they do. And at the same time, why I do what I do…

“To know all is to forgive all.” – Dale Carnegie

So, I started reading Dale Carnegie’s book this week, “How to Win Friends & Influence People”. This is where all this comes from. I have read it many times and enjoy the read each time. Written in the 1920s it still is true today. If you haven’t read it before, it should be on your top 10 reads this year.

“Criticism is futile because it puts a person on the defensive and usually makes him strive to justify himself. Criticism us dangerous because it wounds a persob’s precious pridr, hurts his sense of importance, and arouses resentment.” – Dale Carnegie

So I made a decision to work on me daily, as follows:

  • Stop criticizing myself and others outload;
  • Stop condemning myself and others outload; and
  • Stop complaining about myself and others outload.

No one is perfect, nor should they want to be. So with any daily improvement have fun with it, don’t be too serious and enjoy the journey!

So what I decided to do is since I love, love, love stationary, did I say LOVE?? I created a journal for all my criticisims, condemning and complaining of people, things, situations and of myself. I have always enjoyed journaling and have always felt once you get it off your chest you feel so much better. So instead of me venting or complaining to someone, I am going to write a letter to that person or write about the situation in my journal. I may or may not throw it out afterwards…or may leave it there. Who knows, but I plan on having fun with it. I found this fun journal below online…hehehe

“When dealing with people, let us remember we are not dealing with creatures of logic. We are dealing with creatures if emotion, creatures bristling with prejudices and motivated by pride and vanity.” – Dale Carnegie.

When winter ends, spring begins! The days get longer and the air gets warmer, trees and flowers bloom and animals have their babies. Spring is the perfect time to get rid of bad habits to welcome in newer, healthier and productive habits. So Goodbye Winter, Hello Spring!!!

Love Vanessa 💖

Love love, Heather Stillufsen’s or Rose Hill by Heather Stillufsen’s designs. Make sure you check out her facebook page or instagram page and lets support each other 💖

Feeding the Good Wolf

Currently reading “Taking the Leap” by Pema Chodron. She talks about the struggle in us all as being two wolves.

Our negative thoughts can create anxiety, anger, resentment, jealousy—an array of emotions. Negative thinking is normal. However, if this way of thinking becomes incessant, it can lead to depression and self- destructive behavior like addictions, derailing us from what we want most in life. At minimum, negative thinking saps our energy, erodes our self- confidence and can put us in a bad mood. So let’s stop feeding the bad wolf so often…

The Two Wolves is a Cherokee Indian legend and illustrates the most important battle of our lives – the one between our good and bad thoughts.

Here is how the story goes:

An old Cherokee is teaching his grandson about life. “A fight is going on inside me,” he said to the boy.

It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One is evil – he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.” He continued, “The other is good – he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith. The same fight is going on inside you – and inside every other person, too.”

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, “Which wolf will win?”

The old Cherokee simply replied, “The one you feed.”

Our thoughts can be our own worst enemy or our most power friend! But only if we let them, it is our choice to which wolf we feed daily!

Think about how you may be “feeding” your negative thoughts by allowing them to rule your mind. The next time you have a negative thought, catch it and ask yourself,

“What is this thought doing for me?”

“How is this thought beneficial to me?”

“Is this thought zapping my energy?”

You will find that the answer is that all the negative thoughts are doing is disempowering you.

But, you can immediately feel more empowered and positive by focusing on something good in your life and practicing gratitude daily. I keep a little note book of three things I am grateful for.

Also, take a leap by committing to yourself:

  • to let go of old grudges,
  • to not avoid people, situations and emotions that make you feel uneasy,
  • to not cling to your fears,
  • stop playing the reel over and over in our minds,
  • to become openminded and not closed,
  • to open your hearts and to take action.

We can create greater peace, confidence and a more positive outlook by learning how to manage our thoughts. And i am not saying of every second of the day but to become more aware of what you are thinking throughout the day. After all, this battle can be won because we have the power of choice!

It is the small daily changes and choices we make that truly change our lives for the better.

Which wolf are you feeding today? Remember, you always have a choice… I am feeding the good wolf today…

“Be the change you want to see in the world.” – Gandhi

The Mary Kay Opportunity which I was blessed to start in August of 2016 has given me the opportunity to grow, to stretch, to dream, to set goals, to get uncomfortable, to meet new friends, to teach, to learn, to have failures, to have successes, to be more than I thought I could be, to feed the good wolf daily and to help others to feed their good wolf!!! #morethanmakeup #loveyourself #selfbelief

Love Vanessa ❤

Create a Pinterest Dream Board

I just finished reading “She Means Business” on Friday, I LOVED the book…loved loved it. You will feel her passion, her heart and her soul that she puts it into everything she does. I really enjoyed how it was written, love Carrie Green personality, she seems to me like someone you want to be around, definately a must read for 2019!

I believe all female entrepreneurs should check out her book, her website, join her club, subscribe to her mail out, what do you have to lose? Imagine if you obtain one golden nugget of information that is more than you had yesterday. I obtained many, espcially about social media.

Over the next couple of weeks i will give you tibits of her book and website…maybe….. so read the book lol..

On Saturday, I started her 28 Day Challenge. Love challenges, keeps me motivated and going through this dreary winter weather we are having.

I have always been a vision board, dream board kind of gal….but never thought of doing a Pinterest board, until Day 2 of Carrie’s Challenge…..

So how do I create a Pinterest board?

I started with my dream board first.

Below is 4 easy steps from Carrie Green’s website:

1. Get your pin board and pins at the ready 🙂

2. Get dreaming big and write out all of your desires and the things you want to put on your dream board. Have lots of fun with this and don’t hold yourself back.

3. Get or create images that represent your dreams well. You could print off pictures of what you want, use PicMonkey to create images, write out your desires and pin them on. Basically just gather together everything you want to pin on and create your amazing dream board.

4. Add powerful words, affirmations, quotes etc. to your board that will help you to stay aligned and to feel empowered every time you look at your board. For example, I always put ‘trust’ on my board to remind me to trust that my dreams are on their way to me. I’ve put some of my favourite quotes, words and affirmations in the printable, so check it out 🙂

Just have fun with this!

So that is where I started, now I am creating the same dreams in Pinterest and I have started to pin pictures. This way I can bring my dreams with me and look at them throughout the day. You could create a motivational board, a board on how your dream office will look, your dream garden, anything and everything!

I also have created a Mary Kay Product of the Month Board and will pin great information every month for easy access for my customers. This month is Lip Liners.

Have fun, I know I do!!

Love Vanessa ❤💜🧡💛💚💙

February 4, 2019 – Week 2

So, week 2….yep i am tired and mostly cranky, but I am doing it…4:30am.. I won’t feel like this forever and each day becomes better..

We lie to our selves everyday!!!!!! We convince ourselves that we are not enough or worthy because something doesn’t come to us easily. But the fact is… life is hard, but worth living and living joyful!

We are either building ourself up or we are tearing ourself down. It is a journey, life is, we are always under construction…there is no where that says you can’t enjoy the journey, even if it is hard…so live YOUR life!! Take those hard steps….

This year for me is all about inspiring and empowering as many women as I possibly can and helping them build a successful business!!!! That is my dream, what is yours?

Did you know that 99% of people are not willing to do what it takes to make their dreams come true?????…99%!!!!! I am willing to work this year to change this…who is with me????

This to me is such a true and scary statement!!!! Only 8 words and 2 numbers……

People, you are not living your dreams! You are living someone elses dreams….you are depriving the world of your awesomeness…

I know as I am not fully living my dreams 100% either, I am partially living someones dreams and partially living mine…. but this year is different, you will see…I am living my dreams this year…

So, what are your dreams??? And how can I help?? How can I inspire and empower you?

February is all about love, so love yourself enough to take action daily to move yourself closer to your dreams.

Anyone “thinking” they might want to be a #bossbabe like me and give a Mary Kay Business a try??? Honestly what do you have to lose?

Close your eyes, only if your not driving…please don’t close your eyes if you are driving……….Ok, close your eyes….now imagine:

And keep imagining the lives you will change, the families, the communities….

It’s time for self love! 💗 Take the first step in starting your own Mary Kay business today! The growth alone is worth it…..

OR You can sit back & watch me be successful or you can join me! 😊

Love Vanessa ❤

P.S. No one will believe in you until you believe in yourself!!