“Give honest, sincere appreciation. Be “hearty in your approbation and lavish in your praise,” and people will cherish your words and treasure thrm and repeat them years after you have forgotten them.” – Dale Carnegie

In our day and age people are starving from the lack of appreciation they are craving and not receiving! We can change this, we can try by leaving a friendly trail of little sparks of gratitute on our daily trips. A “thank you so much”, when someone opens the door for you or holds it open. A “thank you, for always making my coffee just right” to your local coffee spot.

One of the reasons I joined Mary Kay is I was craving appreciation. Mary Kay Consultants, Directors and Corporate staff are like your personal cheerleaders. They encourage you, they celebrate you and they teach you how to do little sparks of gratitute towards yourself and people in your daily lives.

“One of the most neglected virtues of our daily existencr is appreciation.” – Dale Carnegie

This saddens me, let’s bring back the virtue of appreciation. πŸ’œ If all of us did one act of appreciation a day towards one person, CAN YOU IMAGINE, the impact this would have on the world, think about it….🀯

Things most people want:

  • Health;
  • Preservation of life;
  • Food;
  • Sleep;
  • Money and the things money will buy;
  • Life in the hereafter;
  • Sexual gratification;
  • The well-being of our children; and
  • A feeling of importance.

“The desire for a feeling of importance is one of the chief distiguishing differences between mankind and the animals.” – Dale Carnegie

Your feeling of importance determines your character and is the most significant thing about you! What is your feeling of importance?

The next statement, blew my mind! “If some people are so hungry for a feeling of importance that they actually go insane to get it, imagine what miracle you and I can achieve by giving people honest appreciation this side of insanity.” – Dale Carnegie

INSANE!!!! Come on people, lets appreciate each other more, it cost us nothing to appreciate others! πŸ’œ On a daily basis lets apprecitate the people around us, in our space, within 5 feet of us.

“We nourish the bodies of our children, spouses, friends and employees, but how seldom do we nourish their self-esteem? We neglect to give them kind words of appreciation that woukd sing in their memories for years like the music of the morning star.” – Dale Carnegie

“There is nothing I need so much as nourishment for my self-esteem.” – Alfred Lunt

When I talk about appreciation and compliments, I am not referring to flattery. Flattery is cheap praise, it is shallow, selfish and insincere. It does more harm than good and is totally counterfeit.

“Don’t be afraid of enemied who attack you. Be afraid if the friends that flatter you.” – General Obregon

“Flattery is telling the other person precisely what he thinks about himself.” – Dale Carnegie

Love the old talk and language, very few people talk like that anymore, using words like “approbation” and “morning stars”. Even googled approbation which means approval or praise.

“I consider my ability to arouse enthusiasm among people, the greatest asset I possess, and the way to develop the best that is in a person is by appreciation and encouragement. There is nothing else that so kills the ambition of a person as criticism from superiors. I never criticize anyone. I believe in giving a person incentitive to work. So I am anxious to praise but loath to find fault. If I like anyone, I am hearty in my approbation and lavish in my praise.” – Charles Schwab

I read an article on LinkedIn, “Why Staff Appreciation is Important”, by Margaret Good. I have shared it in my LinkedIn and Facebook account, excellent articles and a good read. If you haven’t yet read it I ask that you please do.

Funny how the universe works, Margaret Good, Christine Ransom and I have been for the last month, working on how we can appreciate people, women, staff, employees, employers, clients etc…in all businesses, offices, companies etc… And I happen to be reading Dale Carnegie’s book this month and this is what chapter 2 is all about, appreciation, go figure.

If you know of any businesses, offices or companies etc., that are looking to appreciate their people, please forward them a copy of this flyer below. I promise we will love them and appreciate them!! πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

Love always,


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