New Years Resolutions

“If you focus on results, you will never change. If you focus on change, you will get results.” ~Jack Dixon

This New Year is slowly nearing, and with the holiday season already upon us many people are indulging in retrospection and re-evaluating some of their life choices. New Year’s resolutions are the perfect opportunity for all those who have failed to start making the changes that they said they would make next week, next month, or perhaps when spring starts. Well, now’s your chance to sit down and prepare a list of important lifestyle changes you want to make.

“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Get in shape. It’s easy enough to start an exercise and diet program, but the trick is to find a decent one that will give you steady results and will be easy to stick to in the long run. I would like to streghten my core and flexibility.

Start eating healthier food, and less food overall. This is usually an extension of the previous resolution. Switching to a healthier diet can be incredibly tricky when we are surrounded by cheap junk food. However, with a good amount of determination and some basic tips you can slowly develop healthier eating habits. Learn to control emotional eating, be aware of reasons for diets to fail. Eat more veggies, drink more water and make better food choices. I will be a size 9 by seminar.

Learn to cook. Cooking is one of the essential skill that every man and woman should possess. It allows you to save money, eat the food you love just the way you like it and impress dates with lovely meals shared under candlelight. If you go through useful tips, keep your kitchen clean and avoid common mistakes, nothing stands between you an your 3-course-meal.
Learn about wild edibles and mushrooms. Continue learning about wild edibles and mushrooms and nature. Cook with them also.

Become more active. Some people don’t really have a big weight problem, and they even get some exercise a few times a week, but they just sit around the most of the time at home and at work, which can have a negative effect on their posture and health. I would like to exercise daily and strength train.

Go see your doctor more often. Staying healthy should be my top priority. Regular checkups are a must, no matter how healthy you feel at the moment.

Stop procrastinating: The biggest barrier that keeps most people from reaching their goals is the desire to relax and do something fun instead of working hard. Once you get used to procrastinating it’s difficult to snap yourself out of it, so you’ll need to put in a lot of work to change this bad habit. 

Reduce stress. They say that stress is one of the biggest killers out there, and it can have a very destructive effect on your relationships as well as your health. It may be an unavoidable side effect of our hectic modern lifestyles, but it can be effectively managed with the help of useful, unconventional and easy to practice tricks for stress management. Love to learn yoga and mediate daily.

Become more organized. It doesn’t matter how much time you have on your hands if you can’t manage it properly – you’ll just spend most of the day running around aimlessly. When you get organized there will suddenly be more time to spare and things will start falling into place. Make it a habit, get help from apps and tools and enjoy your newly found leisure-time. Six most important list daily. Plan daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, every 5 years and 10 years.

Earn more money. Even billionaires are always looking for ways to earn more money, Mary Kay…

Become a director in Mary Kay. I will be a director in Mary Kay on or before March 1, 2017. 

Get out of debt. You can’t really move forward in life if you are weighed down by debt. Have all credit cards at a zero balance.

Start saving money. Once you have your debt under control, it’s time to start putting some money aside. A rainy day fund, some extra money that can go towards traveling abroad, fixing up the house or buying a new car, a new house….. 

Learn to be happier with your life. It takes time and patience to learn how to find joy in the little things and not to let problems bring you down.

Learn to control your emotions. Uncontrolled anger can get you into a lot of trouble, but things like jealousy and prideare destructive in all circumstances. Gaining control over your feelingsallows you to keep a level head andthink more rationally, even duringemotionally charged conflictsituations.

Get more quality sleep. With big TV’s, computers, smartphones, tablets and all sorts of gadgets with glowing lights and beeping alerts, it can be hard to get enough sleep at night. You should be gunning for at least 8 hours of sleep a night. Watch less TV: The average person wastes a lot of time in front of the TV, time that could have been better spent developing skills. Once you manage to cut down on TVtime, you will realize just how long and productive a day can really be.

Learn how to dress with style. The way you dress can say a lot about you, and wearing the right clothes can make you seem powerful and confident. Know the dresscode and live with style. Spend more time in the morning getting ready.

Start writing a book/journal. You’d be surprised to know just how many people out there have an interesting story to tell, but lack the confidence and skill to write everything down. Even if it is just a few random thoughts scribbled daily in a journal. I am purchasing a journal for 2017 and start writting my goals for this year and write my story.

Stick to the good healthy habits you’ve developed. All the positive changes you make, you will need to work on sticking with the good habits until they just become a natural part of who you are. 

I wish you all a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year.

Love Vanessa 💖

Barriers – What are yours?

“If you are never scared, embarrassed, or hurt, it means you never take chances.” ~Julia Soul

Barrier – obstacle that prevents movement or access. a circumstance or obstacle that keeps people or things apart or prevent communication or progress.

The moment comes when you are on your knees, hands over your eyes. You are filled with a knowing that there is something better. There is a life for you that you are not living and you are ready to live it. The moment of awakening….the moment when you hear your soul’s cry for the next step in its evolution. You are ready to live your fullest expression.

“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” – Anais Nin

For me this looked like a crazy dysfunctional relationship with food and the feeling that I was spiraling out of control. I was literally stuffing down my truest, most authentic self, and I felt lost and off my path. I was filled with a pain that I didn’t understand, that I realized came from the void of not living my purpose. A whisper that I had been ignoring for far too long finally spoke a little louder and said, “You are here for more than this.” It came as a feeling and awareness all throughout my body.

For you, it may feel like you’re stuck in a never-ending cycle, one that keeps you from feeling whole and fulfilled. It’s a sense that something is missing or you were meant for more than this, and you are ready to break free. You realize that your deepest desire is to improve your life and fill that greater vision for yourself.

Often this feeling comes with a sense of determination, which can quickly turn into paralysis and feelings of:

Fear of the unknown and of judgment

Shame for where you’re at and for needing help

Regret of your past choices

These feelings are natural and normal, and there is absolutely no reason to let them stop you. For me procrastination is my favorite go-to for a barrier. And sometimes I begin to sing my excuses song, “I am tired, to busy, look at all the work I have to do and I am only one person, I’ll do it tomorrow, I have no support or help, easier for other people,….”

Ways I get past my barriers, how I break them and destroy them with a hammer:

Grounding myself in the present. I start where I am right now. Until I fully accept where I am, I can’t move forward. Get real with yourself and shine a light onto all of those things that are not serving you. This is the time to fully sit with the reality of the present moment and allow yourself to feel any and all of the feelings that come up for you. Often, our “stuckness” happens because we are trying to avoid these feelings, so it’s important to just let yourself feel them. Remember, they are not wrong. They just are what they are. When you feel them, you can get them up and out, which leaves you with a greater sense of determination and clarity. That is why at times, venting helps me, it gets me in the moment and gets all that nasty up and out and leaves me to move onto bigger and better things.

Create a vision. This is when I get super duper clear on the vision I see for myself. This is where you’ve sensed there is something better, but what does it look like? Focusing on your vision daily allows you to align your thoughts and actions with that vision so every part of you can work together for your best interest.

Make the decision. I take a look at the path I am currently on, I then take a look at my vision. Honestly, where do I want to go????? Making the decision to move towards your vision no matter what, it all starts with a decision. Know that you can handle whatever the journey brings you.

Get honest. Here I am, I’ve made the decision, and I know where I am going!!! What am I scared of? I pull out my note book and write “Fears” across the top. Get real honest about what you’re afraid of. Seriously, write it all down, as no one will see this. Now, burn it! I mean it. Release those fears: out through your body, onto the paper, and into nothingness. The physical act of releasing your fears in this way creates room so that your higher self to be your navigator.

Make it bigger than yourself. When I make the decision to live a fully expressed life, I am inspiring others to do the same. What change in the world do you want to embody and inspire? Get clear on this. When you have a mission beyond yourself, every choice you make not only affects you, but also affects those around you and closest to you. Each step forward becomes a little bit easier when you think of your bigger mission.

Find the silver lining. Everything that brought you to this moment, all of your past choices, all of the “stuff” that embarrasses you or fills you with regret, molded you to become your best self. It can be hard to see in the moment, but it’s the truth. Trust your experiences. You don’t need to feel ashamed or regretful because of them.

Get support. Open up to those closest to you about your new direction. Get a coach to support and guide you—someone who has been there and understands. Find others who are going through the same thing. You don’t have to do anything alone! Make this easy for yourself and seek support in every way possible. We all feel fear, shame, and regret—and we can all move past them to live lives of purpose.

Love Vanessa


Claiming my Power

“One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar.” – Helen Keller

No one can give you power, only you can claim what’s yours.

By trying to accomplish too much, you spread your resources thin and wind up running on empty…with too little attention paid to the most important things. I am running on empty!! I need to turn down the heat so the pot won’t boil over. I need to invest my resources wisely.

??What are my non negotiable values??

1. My physical, mental, and emotional well-being. The fact is that my well-being is the foundation of my success.

 2. A healthy relationship with myself. When you become your own best friend, you no longer need the approval of everyone around you. Because at the end of the day when you can say “I love you, and I honor you, and I respect you” to YOU, then you can do, be, and have anything that you want.

 3. The way that I speak to myself. Your life is a reflection of the conversation that you are having with yourself. Transform the conversation you are having with yourself, transform your life. Period.

4. Keeping my word to myself and others. The highest level of integrity is achieved when you keep your word to yourself and to others. Your word is all that you have, it is what defines your credibility, or lack thereof.

5. Associating with positive people. “Tell me who your friends are and I’ll tell you who you are.” The company that you keep has a direct affect on how what you think and what you do. Remember that your space is sacred and who you allow into your space is crucial to your happiness and success.

6. Living debt-free. Having debt is like walking around with a ton of bricks on your shoulders. Take a look at what you are spending your money on. Are you living from paycheck to paycheck? Are your purchases needs or wants? Learning to be financially responsible to is one of the biggest gifts you can give to yourself.

7. Have fun. As children fun was non-negotiable. As children we could make anything fun!!! Often times we think we need to accomplish a huge goal to have fun. But having fun is as important, if not more than working hard (or smart)

8. Giving myself permission to dream big and DO big. The best things in life are free….starting with your imagination. Give yourself the permission to envision a life so wild and fabulous that even you get goosebumps thinking about it. The only thing in between your dream and reality is yourcommitment to take action.

?? Am I acting in ways that reflect my beliefs???

Feel your feelings,

     and talk them out.

Believe your beliefs,

     and act them out.

When we mess up a situation, we are often too proud, scared, or guilty to go back and fix it. Even when we have handled a situation badly, it helps to go back later to correct our response. It’s never too late to talk out our feelings and act out our beliefs.

We need to remember that our feelings are due mostly to our assumptions and beliefs about the situation and the people involved, and not so much to the situation and the people themselves. Our feelings are primarily a reflection of the contextual meaning we give to the situation. The situation and the people are made better or worse by our healthy or unhealthy beliefs about them. For example, it helps to believe that people and situations can change for the better, and that once they are given a choice, all people need to be held responsible for their own beliefs, actions, and even for their emotions.

The word emotion comes from the Latin words “to move from.” The purpose of emotion is to move us from where we are to take some action. We talk our feelings out to connect us with others, to relieve internal pressure, and to move all who share the feeling to create change by acting together.

Beliefs are a much better guide for action than feelings are. Emotions can be a good guide for the tone of our behavior, but not for its direction. Our decisions are better based on guidelines for conduct and principles of life that address what’s best for all concerned, across the fullness of time. So what are your beliefs?

My beliefs are:

I choose to believe that my life is an incredible gift. Even if the current situation or circumstances of your life aren’t what you’d ideally have now, you can creatively notice the ways you’ve been blessed. Over time, little by little, your life situation will shift. Expanding your sphere of gratitude helps you tap into the spiral effect: the better it gets, the better it gets. Before long, you’ll wake up thinking, “Even if I could, I wouldn’t change a thing.”

Everyone I meet is a best friend I don’t know yet. The truth of the matter is, we’re all connected. In a very literal sense, we’re all from the same human family. We’re all bodies born from stars that die and return to the earth. So why not act as if we are really one? Your relationships will see a new depth and richness when you act as if everyone is truly you.

Every 24 hours is the most important of my life. Right now you have a choice: You can let this day, this moment, be brand new, or you can wallow in the past and worry about the future. You can make today a blessing and a gift, or your can squander it. When you choose to act as if today is an incredible opportunity to love fully and give your gifts deeply, new worlds will begin to open that you didn’t know could possibly exist.

Everything will turn out all right. It always does, doesn’t it? No matter how bad things might seem now, they will surely pass as they always do. And under every challenge, every crisis, is a lesson waiting to be learned. Within chaos and compost, opportunities and flowers bloom.

Life is a game to be played, not a problem to be fixed. When you view all of life as a game, it feels more like play and less like a problem to be solved. Why not view everything, even the most difficult challenges, as adventures with mysteries waiting to unfold? Life is not a problem you need to fix, it’s a game to be played to the fullest.

It’s always okay to ask, and always okay to say no. If you’re not getting your needs met, you probably struggle with asking for what you want. That’s okay. We’re often taught growing up that we can’t always get what we want. But that doesn’t mean it’s not okay to ask. And it’s also always okay to say no.The more you practice asking, the richer and more fulfilled your life becomes. Don’t believe me? Try it.

By serving myself first, I can better serve the world. The more you take care of yourself, the greater you expand your capacity for serving others. It’s as simple as that. And anyway, if you truly believe that the world is you, than by not serving yourself, you’re actually hurting the world. Is that what you want? Is that the kind of example you want to set? Serving yourself isn’t selfish, it’s actually one of the deepest signs of caring for others you can show.

Love is always available when I choose to open my heart. Even in the most difficult challenges and heart-wrenching tragedies, love is available when we choose to open our hearts. It’s only when we close ourselves off and shut down that we restrict the flow of love into our lives. When we choose to open, even amidst the pain, we can feel love’s flow and realize that love takes many shapes. Love can feel like grief, anger and sadness. Whether we’re experiencing joy or loss, opening our hearts allows the fullness of love and healing to come through. When you open, even when it hurts, that’s when real growth and fullness is allowed to come forth.

Love Vanessa 💖