A New Day

“I let go of the old and open myself to the new.”

Often, I tend to cling to old patterns, old habits and old thoughts that may be holding me back. It is these attachments that can keep me from living fully. 

When I allow myself to open up to the many blessings that exist within the vast sea of infinite possibilities surrounding me. As I become mindful and begin enjoying what life has to offer me. 
When so-called negative experiences present themselves, I frequently tighten up and form an armor of resistance around me, thereby closing myself off from the magic inherent in the unknown. By always being open to new possibilities, I allow the Universe to harness all its forces to help me in the best ways possible. 

I sit quietly and center myself, breathing deeply and fully. I feel myself firmly connected to the earth as I let the spirit flow through me. I let go of busyness and of anything that may be overwhelming me. I open myself to the new, to new possibilities, to a new day, and to the fresh new cells being constantly created in my body with every breath I take. I feel the refreshing inspiration of new opportunities coming my way. I welcome this new and wonderful time in my life and see it filled with goodness, creativity and peace. I let go of the old and allow the new to come gently into my life. 

Meditation and mindfulness is changing my life in a positive way.

Love Vanessa 💜

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