Arrive at Work Early


Why bother showing up early when you can blame any number of things for “making” you late? There’s traffic, a convenient ally when you need her. A distant cousin to traffic would be a highway accident, which of course creates traffic. Then there’s the blatantly obvious excuse of sleeping through the alarm which causes you to get on the highway late and immerse yourself in…you guessed it…traffic. There is the go-train and it’s delays and what about the go-train’s brother, the subway.


If you want to be happier and more productive at work and have less stress in your life, STOP RUSHING! Disengage yourself from the very idea of “rush hour”, a term that at its very core is counterproductive word. It is very important to be able to choose how you feel when you begin your workday.

When you’re early you get the best seat on the go-train or subway. You can relax and enjoy your trip.


Depending on where you live, your plan would need to be adjusted for your local conditions. How much better would you feel if you could ease into your day, arriving at your workplace with plenty of time to spare? How would it feel to be relaxed on your journey, knowing you had ample time instead of being one of the harried, stressed-out commuters that you in downtown Toronto, early on a workday.


Why not give yourself the gift of an enjoyable morning commute? All it takes is a little planning and the willingness to leave a bit earlier. You will begin your day relaxed and be in a physical and mental state to be more productive. (You may even want to start a blog.)


When you’re early you can look over your agenda. Sure, everyday there is a to-do list and an agenda prepared for you but arriving early lets you think about what you want to cover in the meeting or throughout your day.

With all this free time you can work on your personal stuff while enjoying your coffee 🍵. When you’re early you can fix your coffee just the way you like it, maybe have some breakfast and enjoy the morning experience.

An added bonus, on your commute in you can listen to motivational talks, or programs or podcasts, this turns your commuter vehicle (whether it is a car, bus or train) into a university on wheels.

So get up early and enjoy your day, everyday!

Love Vanessa 💜


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