Cluttered Desk, Cluttered Mind

If you have a cluttered desk, you’ll have a cluttered mind. Boy, is my desk is cluttered…I have begun to build a castle with all the boxes of files…..I work with an inch of space……it is a disaster.

Is your desk a shambolic mess of stacked up files, a half-eaten lunch, and general clutter? No half-eaten lunch but allot of paper and files…and boxes…and paper..

Clutter is the worst enemy to productivity in your office. If you have a cluttered desk, you’ll have a cluttered mind. 

In order to improve productivity, make sure at least half of your desk is free of items at all times helps a great deal. If everything is in its place you feel calm and organised.

The way your office is organised is also key to maintaining good energy that will keep you happy and productive. 

Do not have your back pointing directly at the door as this is very bad Feng Shui. The best position is having your desk directly facing the door, which the the ‘power position’. 

If it’s not possible to face the door, then you should give as much room as possible around your desk to give good flow.

Getting as much sunlight as possible where you work gives you more energy and focus. People don’t realise that feelings are very connected to their environment. Clearing your space can have a huge impact on how you feel.  

De-cluttering for a clear mind, there are items you can keep on your desk to inspire and uplift. Personal photos of family and friends help you feel happier and motivated, as do fresh flowers – but ensure you throw them out when they go bad. Plants, especially jade or bamboo are very good for Feng Shui, while Himalayan rock salt lamps help attract and keep positive energy in the workplace.

Finally, stick to light colours to not drag down the energy on your desk.

Love Vanessa 💜

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