Only Compete With Yourself


Happy Wednesday… Today i am going to talk about compete….and to only compete with yourself….

When we compete, we aim to take from others what’s already been created instead of creating something ourselves. I dont want to be a look-alike….i am original and unique…to me this is not creativity. I don’t want to  become a slave to what we can get or bargain from others.

When we create, we become free.


When we step out of this game of competition, we can become creators. I am a CREATOR!!!!

Instead of looking at what we can take from out there or from others, we can sink back into our own consciousness and tap the unlimited storehouse of creativity that flows beneath us all. I feel the creative juices flowing already…..


When you are content to be simply yourself and don’t compare or compete, everybody will respect you. – Lao Tzu

Even Kings and emperors with heaps of wealth and vast dominion cannot compare with an ant filled with the love of God. – Guru Nanak


An act of goodness is of itself an act of happiness. No reward coming after the event can compare with the sweet reward that went with it. – Maurice Maeterlinck


You can hate me but never be me. I’m me, myself and I…..and you can never compare yourself to me.

Girls are the worst at competition and not in a good way. They look to destroy their competition. Competing to get the guy or competing to get the attention. In the past I even had girls competing with me to get someone the better present…lol…I compete with noone but myself….and I do what I do out of kindness and love and for no over reason…I am a Woman…


Dont compare yourself to others. Compare yourself to the person you were yesterday and the person you will be tomorrow…

There is no need of justifying yourself to others, until you can justify yourself to your own conscience.  Be you and compete with yourself…


After everything above I am not knocking good, clean competition. If you look at any star athlete or actor/actress……, it may seem that they’re competing. But they’re not. They may have at one point of their career. But then something shifts. These people have risen above the competitive nature of the world and are straight up floooowwing with creative awesomeness.

I want to come from this place…… I want to know that I don’t need or even want what the other girl has…. it’s in the creation of it that adds so much value to it ….in our souls.

Love Vanessa 💜


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